Introduction to fullstack web/software development
Due to the Nigerian elections on Saturday 25th February and Saturday 11th March, the classes meant for those days will be moved to the following Saturdays, so the course will end on 8 April instead of 25 March 2023
Start: 18 Feb 2023 End: 8 Apr 2023
Time: 9:00am (please arrive at least 15 minutes before this time)
6 consecutive Saturdays from 9am until 3pm. The classes are on-site at our premises in Ipaja, Lagos or accessible online from anywhere.
Those joining online must have good internet connection in order to access the course. Each class is followed by assignments and teacher assessments.
1) Live Online (Google meets): Access details will be sent before the classes commence
2) Video content only: Three-month access to the video content
3) Onsite (Lagos/Ogun): 1 Prince Alade Lane, Off Ajasa Command, Lagos, Nigeria
Location on map
Entry Requirements:
There are no Academic requirements for this course
Course Materials:
Students are encouraged to attend the class with their own laptops as additional costs would apply for use of in-house computers. Furthermore, students are required to do off-site tutorials which would require the use of a computer.
Full fee: ₦30,000 (25% discount)
This discount applies only to advance payers (before 14 February 2023):
*Paying at the start of the course:
₦40,000 (full fee)
*Paying in 6 installments:
₦8,000 (paid before each class)
* Full fee also includes video access, below.
Videos access only: ₦5,000 (as much as 36hrs of class content)
Three months access to the video content only anytime after 18 Feb 2023 (start of the course).
* No certificates are given for this.
* Advance payments will be refunded in full if the registrant cancels before the course start day.
Register Here >>
Detailed information:
Basic Training: For people who would like to have a good grounding in Internet technologies, web building and/or software development. This course does not involve any examinations or issue any certification.
It is ideal for: Enthusiasts who would like to know more about building and software development; Company bosses and managers who would want a better understanding of IT and how it can be applied to their business. Students who would like to use this as a stepping stone for a certification or a degree course etc etc.
Click for full course schedule >>
*** Week 1: HTML/CSS (FRONT END) ****
(1) Introducing the tutors
(2) What the course covers
(3) What materials are required and what you get from the course
(4) Brief history of HTML and browsers
(5) Question and answer session
(6) Structure of the basic HTML page (HTML tags only. No JavaScript or CSS etc)
(7) Basic 'Hello World page'
(8) HTML Images
(9) HTML Links: external, relative etc etc
(10) HTML Forms
(11) Advanced HTML tags
(12) Question and answer session
(13) Introduction to CSS
(14) Inline CSS
(15) Internal CSS
(16) Classes, IDs, DIVs and Styles
(17) External CSS and why they are useful
(18) Precedence in CSS conflicts commands (ie which one hold sway when there is a conflict)
(19) Question and answer session
(20) Homework 1: give students a list of HTML and CSS tags to study, test and understand
(21) Homework 2: give students a pdf of a basic HTML/CSS page that they must replicate and upload for assessment before the next class
*** Week 2: JAVASCRIPT PART 1 (FRONT END) ****
(1) Tutorial: resolve any problems with the HTML/CSS assignment.
(2) Question and answer session
(3) Tools: The importance of text editors: all students to download and install Notepad++ and view all their pages on it.
(4) HTML spillovers: Comments for HTML and CSS!!!!
(5) colours: just 'search HTML colour codes' in Google ** or go to:
(6) Opening talk with graphics: the rise of responsive/Adaptive web page
(7) Build a basic responsive and/or adaptive page for mobile phones from scratch
* Lengthy, hands-on lecture. Must include: Home page; Registration page, Login page; profile page; profile amendment page; contact us page
(8) Tools: useful tools/libraries to build responsive/adaptive page: just a short talk on this. No teaching
(9) What Is JavaScript + short history?
(10) Internal and inline JavaScript
(11) External JavaScript: Creating external .js files
(12) Functions
(13) If statements
(14) Strings and String Methods,
(15) Arrays and Array methods,
(16) loops and breaks
(17) JavaScript events
(18) debugging with console.log() (as opposed to alert),
(19) Homework 1: give students a list of JavaScript functions to study, test and understand
*** Week 3: JAVASCRIPT PART 2 (FRONT END) ****
(1) Tutorial: resolve any problems with the previous assignment
(2) Question and answer session
(3) arguments in functions
(4) Adding event handlers outside the HTML (eg document.getElementById("myElement").onclick = myFunction ... )
DOM Object (they must be ale to use features like getEtlementById("myElement").innerHTML='xyz' )
(5) A JavaScript forms validation exercise (Use HTML page created by EC, above)
* hands-on with onBlur, onClick and name validation..
(6) JavaScript and forms (eg form validations)
(7) In-class work: An old-style email validation exercise.
(8) Question and answer session
(9) Using browsers to debug and troubleshoot your work
(10) Quizzes: for all that we have leant
(11) Final questions and answers
(12) Homework 1: Build a calculator
(13) Homework 3: Students must extend their previous week's HTML page to HTML/CSS/JavaScript site with 2 or 3 pages. They must replicate and upload for assessment before the next class
*** Week 4: PHP (BACK END) ****
(1) Tutorial: resolve any problems with the previous assignment
(2) Question and answer session
(3) Local environment: Installing WampServer
(4) Brief discourse on CGI types and history: ASP, JSP, PERL, PHP
(5) PHP: Introduction to PHP. What is PHP? Why PHP?
(6) PHP in dynamic HTML pages
(7) Basic 'Hello World' page
(8) PHP core functions (eg echo, printf etc)
(9) Variables in php
(10) If statements
(11) for loops (with brief mention of other loops)
(12) Linking JavaScript (front End) with PHP (server/back end): Forms with php
(13) Question and answer session
(14) Homework 1: Give students a list of PHP functions to study, test and understand
(15) Homework 2: Give students a pdf of a basic HTML page with dynamic parts to create via php. They must replicate and upload their work for assessment before the next class
*** Week 5: PHP/MYSQL (BACK END) ****
(1) Tutorial: resolve any problems with the previous assignment
(2) Question and answer session
(3) Error messages in PHP
(4) More php functions (concentrate on the core/most used)
(5) More forms with php (Uploads will be in advanced class)
(6) Databases: what are databases? Why use them?
(7) A short discourse on various types.
(8) create a MySQL database with phpMyAdmin
(9) Explain data types, unique fields, primary fields etc
(10) Linking front end (JavaScript) with back end (PHP) and database (MySQL)
(11) Question and answer session
(12) Homework 1: Students must create a MySQL database with certain fields
(13) Homework 2: give students a pdf of a basic HTML page with dynamic parts to create via php. They must replicate and upload their work for assessment before the next class
*** Week 6: PHP/MYSQL/SQL (BACK END) ****
(1) Tutorial: resolve any problems with the building of the MySQL database.
(2) Question and answer session
(3) SQL and php queries with SQL
(4) Basic SQL Queries: Select
(5) Basic SQL Queries: Insert
(6) Basic SQL Queries: Update
(7) Basic SQL Queries: Delete
(8) Common SQL errors
(9) Bringing it all together: HTML, PHP, MySQL
(10) Including back end form validation with php
(11) All students to build dynamic HTML form that allows than to insert, update, view and delete from the server
(12) using Ajax with CRUD
(13) Tips and Tools:
* Preventing the reproduction of "Head" and "Navigation"
* useful tools/libraries to build responsive/adaptive page: just a short talk on this. No teaching
(14) How to publish a web page/upload files to your server
(15) FTP applications: FileZilla
(16) Your free web hosting site details
(17) Upload and view your work uploaded, on the www
(18) Question and answer session
What to expect from the course:
1) By the end of the course our students should be able to build a complete web site from end to end
2) They should understand the fundamentals of software development
3) They should have developed a basic computer game all by themselves
4) A certificate of completion will be awarded to everyone who completes the course satisfactorily
5) We will be willing to give references to potential employers for everyone who completes the course satisfactorily
6) Free web space for all students' work (students are free to use this space for up to six months after their courses)